Journals (2025)
Xu, T., Gu, W., Ota, K., & Hasegawa, S. (2025). Development and Evaluation of a Low-Jitter Hand Tracking System for Improving Typing Efficiency in a Virtual Reality Workspace. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 9(1), 4.
Journals (2024)
Ahmed, M. E., & Hasegawa, S. (2024). The Impact of a New Specialized Learning Platform on Enhancing Students’ Skills in Designing and Producing Online Educational Talking Books. Education Sciences, 14(12), 1323.
Li, J., Gu, W., Ota, K. et al. Object Recognition from Scientific Document Based on Compartment and Text Blocks Refinement Framework. SN COMPUT. SCI. 5, 816 (2024).
Ahmed, M. E., & Hasegawa, S. (2024). An Expert Usability Evaluation of a Specialized Platform for Designing and Producing Online Educational Talking Books. Applied System Innovation, 7(5), 74.
Zheng, X., Hasegawa, S., Gu, W., & Ota, K. (2024). Addressing Class Imbalances in Video Time-Series Data for Estimation of Learner Engagement: “Over Sampling with Skipped Moving Average”. Education Sciences, 14(6), 556.
Kazuma TAKAHASHI, Wen GU, Koichi OTA, Shinobu HASEGAWA, An Academic Presentation Support System Utilizing Structural Elements, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2024, Volume E107.D, Issue 4, Pages 486-494,
S. N. Karimah, H. Phan, Miftakhurrokhmat and S. Hasegawa, "Design Principle of an Automatic Engagement Estimation System in a Synchronous Distance Learning Practice," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 25598-25611, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3366552.
Journals (2023)
Bella Hardiyana, & Shinobu Hasegawa. (2023). Design of Angklung Music Scoring System Based on Remote Training. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 31(1), 355–364.
Tuan M. Tran, Razvan Beuran, and Shinobu Hasegawa: Gamification-Based Cybersecurity Awareness Course for Self-regulated Learning, International Journal Of Information and Education Technology, Vol.13(4), pp.724-730, (2023). DOI: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.4.1859
Wen GU, Shohei KATO, Fenghui REN, Guoxin SU, Takayuki ITO, and Shinobu HASEGAWA: Influence Propagation Based Influencer Detection in Online Forum, IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST., VOL.E106-D, NO.4, pp.433-442, (2023).
Journals (2022)
Mohamed Elsayed Ahmed and Shinobu Hasegawa: Development of New Distance Learning Platform to Create and Deliver Learning Content for Deaf Students, Educ. Sci., 12(11), 826 (2022);
Karimah, S.N., Hasegawa, S. Automatic engagement estimation in smart education/learning settings: a systematic review of engagement definitions, datasets, and methods. Smart Learn. Environ. 9, 31 (2022).
小林 祐太, 太田 光一, 長谷川 忍: "小学校段階におけるプログラミング的思考を操作として展開・評価する学習環境の構築," 教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.39, No.2, pp.210-223, (2022)
加藤 真二, 長谷川 忍: "ステークホルダーに着目したVOD学習のモデル化の試み -大学院における複数の学生群のリメディアル教育の事例-," 教育システム情報学会誌, Vol.39, No.2, pp.267-279, (2022)
Tran, Tuan M., and Shinobu Hasegawa, "An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Cognition and Metacognition in Technology-Enhanced Self-Regulated Learning" Sustainability 14, no. 7: 3837, (2022)
Kang Ting and Shinobu Hasegawa, "Semantic-Awareness Recommendation with Linked Open Data in Web-Based Investigative Learning," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 62-72, (2022).
Journals (2021)
Chunqi Du and Shinobu Hasegawa, "3DINFOGAN: 3D MODELS' RECONSTRUCTION IN INFOGANS," Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, Vol.10, No.2, pp.95-109, (2021)
Ahmed, Mohamed E., and Shinobu Hasegawa, "Development of Online Virtual Laboratory Platform for Supporting Real Laboratory Experiments in Multi Domains" Education Sciences 11(9): 548, (2021)
Journals (2020)
Safinoor Sagorika and Shinobu Hasegawa: "DESIGN OF VIDEO AIDED RETENTION TOOL FOR THE HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS IN SELF-DIRECTED VIDEO-BASED LEARNING, , Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 21(Special), pp. 121-134, (2020).
Zheyu Tan, Razvan Beuran, Shinobu Hasegawa, Weiwei Jiang, Min Zhao, and Yasuo Tan: "Adaptive security awareness training using linked open data datasets," Education and Information Technologies, (2020).
Journals (2019)
Ahmed, Mohamed Elsayed and Shinobu Hasegawa: "The effects of a new virtual learning platform on improving student skills in designing and producing online virtual laboratories," Knowledge Management & E-Learning, Vol.11 No.3, pp.364-377, (2019).
Razvan Beuran, Dat Tang, Zheyu Tan, Shinobu Hasegawa, Yasuo Tan and Yoichi Shinoda: "Supporting cybersecurity education and training via LMS integration: CyLMS," Education and Information Technologies, Vol.24, pp.3619-3643, (2019).
Journals (2018)
Harriet Nyanchama Ocharo and Shinobu Hasegawa: "Using machine learning to classify reviewer comments in research article drafts to enable students to focus on global revision," Education and Information Technologies, Vol.23, pp.2093-2110, (2018).
Journals (2017)
Dandhi Kuswardhana, Shinobu Hasegawa, Juhanaini Juhanaini, The Instructional Thematic Game for Children with Mild Mental Retardation: for Enhancement of Left-Right Recognition Skill, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 7(1), pp.469-478, (2017).
D. Wahyudin, S. Hasegawa, & A. Kamaludin,: Students’viewpoint of computer game for training in Indonesian universities and high schools, Education and Information Technologies, 22, pp.1927–1945, (2017) doi:10.1007/s10639-016-9522-9
Journals (2016)
C. Yamazaki, S. Hasegawa, and K. Shimada: Development of an electronic partogram for safe and secure labor management, Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society Kanazawa University Vol.40(1), pp.1-10, (2016).
Hangyu Li, Hajime Kira, and Shinobu Hasegawa: Cultivating Listening Skills for Academic English Based on Strategy Object Mashups Approach, IEICE Transaction Information & system, Vol. E99-D, No.6, pp.1615-1625, (2016).
Didin Wahyudin & Shinobu Hasegawa: Mobile Serious Game Design for Training Ethical Decision Making Skills of Inexperienced Disaster Volunteers, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, Vol.14, No.1, pp.28-41, (2016).
林透,長谷川忍:学生データを利活用した大学院教育の質保証に関する一考察 -教育・学習統合データベース構築を通して-,大学教育研究ジャーナル第13号, pp.10-22, (2016).
Journals (2015)
Hangyu Li, Shinobu Hasegawa, Akihiro Kashihara, A multi-layer map-oriented resource organization system for web-based self-directed learning combined with community-based learning, Reseach and Practice in Technology Enanced Learning, DOI 10.1186/s41039-015-0012-2 (2015).
吉良 元,長谷川 忍:大学院生の補完的学習環境としての講義アーカイブシステムの運用と分析, 教育システム情報学会誌,Vol.32, No.1, pp.98-110 (2015).
Journals (2014)
Ahmed Mohamed Elsayed and Shinobu Hasegawa: "An Instructional Design Model and Criteria for Designing and Developing Online Virtual Labs," International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 355-371 (2014).
Journals (2013)
Shinobu Hasegawa & Akihiro Kashihara: "A Mining Technique for Extraction of Presentation Schema from Presentation Documents Accumlated in Laboratory," Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol.8, No.1, pp.153-169 (2013).
Journals (2011)
T. Miyach, S. Miwa, S. Hasegawa, Y. Tan, and Y. Shinoda, Hands-on Environments for Network Technologies on StarBED, Educational Technology Research (Translation), Vol.34, pp.107-118,(2011).
永留圭祐, 柏原昭博, 長谷川忍: 研究コミュニティ知の表現・構造化を支援するHyperblogシステムの開発, 教育システム情報学会誌,Vol. 28, No.1,pp.94-107,(2011).
Journals (2010)
長谷川忍,高橋咲江,柏原昭博:インフォーマルな経験情報の共有に基づく就職活動支援SNSの開発, 教育システム情報学会誌,Vol.27, No.2,pp.199-210,(2010)
後藤充裕, 柏原昭博, 長谷川忍:研究ミーティングのためのポータブルレビュー支援システムの開発, 教育システム情報学会誌,Vol.27, No.2,pp.174-186,(2010)
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