Professor, CIDER Director
The Center for Innovative Research and Education in Distance Learning (CIDER) is committed to enhancing and diversifying education through Digital Transformation (DX), targeting not only lectures but also exercises and research activities. By introducing a foundational system for remote education and research, exemplified by online meetings and lecture archive systems, we aim to expand the ‘learning space’ where students and faculty can access necessary resources anytime, anywhere. Furthermore, we provide an environment that supports the maximization of educational effectiveness and the realization of new learning opportunities through platforms such as the JAIST Learning Management System (JAIST-LMS), accessible to all members via the campus network, and studios and collaboration rooms that accommodate various recording and meeting styles. Additionally, we are developing strategies to embody higher-quality graduate education by reducing temporal and spatial constraints through the analysis of educational data and quantitative evaluation of educational programs obtained from these systems and platforms. For sharing diverse experiences through the practice of remote education and research, please feel free to contact the Center for Innovative Research and Education in Distance Learning (Web Page: https://dlc.jaist.ac.jp/dlc/ E-mail: dlc@ml.jaist.ac.jp).
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