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Learning Management System(JAIST-LMS)

Distributing Lecture Archives

Center for Innovative Distance Education and Research is collaborating with the School of Information Science to archive lectures. We believe that students will be able to deepen their understanding of the lectures by referring to the archived lectures as needed, so we encourage you to make active use of the lecture archives.
LMS of the lecture archive delivery system has been updated to JAIST-LMS (JAIST Learning Management System) based on Moodle from the 2018 academic year.


Please note the following.

Access - It can only be accessed from the campus network.
* When you access from outside JAIST, for example from your home, you need to use SSL-VPN service for remote access in advance. For the procedure, please refer to {-} "Access from outside JAIST"
- You can watch it with a web browser (Firefox 36 or later, Google Chrome 42 or later, and Safari 8 or later).
How to use 1) To view archived lecture videos.
Please refer to the section "Login" below.
2) To inform students about lectures, distribute materials, etc.
{+}How to use JAIST-LMS
User's guide. 1) {+}User quick guide
2) {+}Teacher quick guide
3) {+}Index of quick guides

* As of March 18, 2022.
* The user's guide is also available in the JAIST-LMS.
Contents Protection - The copyright of all content published on JAIST-LMS is protected by the laws of Japan and international treaties.
- Download or reproduction of these contents without permission is prohibited.

Sign in

1. Access {+}https://dlc-lms.jaist.ac.jp/
* Be sure to bookmark "https://dlc-lms.jaist.ac.jp/" in your browser.

2. Move to the page of JAIST Single Sign-On System(JAIST-SSO).
Enter your JAIST account and password in order.

3. When you sign in, you will visit the JAIST-LMS home page. Then, "Site Announcement", "Course Categories(Course)", "User's Guide", etc. are diplayed on the home page.
* Accounts and passwords are linked to the university LDAP system.

Enrolling in a course

You need to enroll in advance to watch the lecture archive.
* If this is your first time to log in to JAIST-LMS, you will be able to enroll in courses up to half a day later.
- To register manually, you access the course you want to watch from Course categories and click the "Enroll me" button.
- To check your registered courses, click on "My courses" in the System Menu on the upper left.
* This is the registration for watching the lecture archive. Please register the course according to the regular procedure.
* Some restricted courses are not available for watching.
* When you unenroll from a course, the faculty member who is the course administrator will no longer be able to check your information. Therefore, in lectures that use functions such as "Assignments" and "Quizzes," it will no longer be possible to check the submitted work. Please unenroll from the course some time after the end of the lecture.

Watching lecture videos

1. Select the course you wish to watch from the "Course categories" or "My courses".
2. There is a list of archive recorded below the announcement. Select the archive of the date you want to watch.

3. Select either "Video playback is here(PC/Tablet)" or Video playback is here(Smartphone).

*When "Video playback is here(PC/Tablet)" is selected, you will see two video playback
screens, so you can play back both the lecturer's video and the document video at the same time.
Also, you can change the size and layout of the two playback screens.
When "Video playback is here(Smartphone)" is selected, you need to switch between
the video of the lecturer and the document video alternately, because only one video playback
screen is displayed.

Selecting "Video playback is here(PC/Tablet).

Access from outside JAIST

JAIST-LMS can only be accessed from the campus network.
If you want to access JAIST-LMS from outside JAIST, such as from your home, you need to make a remote access connection to JAIST using "SSL-VPN service" of Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure.

1. Access "https://vpn.jaist.ac.jp" and sign in.
2. Please select "jaist-vpn1" or "jaist-vpn2" as shown below.

For more information about SSL-VPN service, please refer to "SSL-VPN" page of Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure.
{+}Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure - SSL-VPN

Contact us
Reception hours: Weekdays 9:00〜17:00
Center for Innovative Distance Education and Research
Tel : +81-761-51-1437